Saturday, June 11, 2011

:sniff: Teleportation reward area is a No Go

Well, I did some more testing with the world and it looks like keeping one section of the world separate so that one must use teleportation to reach it is not going to be playable.  Theoretically everything can be set up, the routing paint, etc., but the world experiences drastic freezes when being played in real game.  I noticed the freezes several months ago and recently narrowed it down to know that the world with routing paint blocking the campground from access has these freezes and the same world with just the routing paint deleted does not.  I even used exactly the same save file to test it in game.

I had previously added subway stations to the game to see if this would resolve the freezing issue, but without a routing path in place, sims don't seem to voluntarily use the subway.  They just indicate that there's no way to get where you want, even if a subway trip would allow them access to the other area of the world.  The freezes still occurred as well.

What does that mean for Serenity Point?  Well, I'm going to have to put in some kind of routing path.  I'm still going to have the huge cliff (and it will still have routing paint so sims can magically walk up it), but there will be a road that will give access to this area.  I don't really want a paved street cutting through the forest, so I may use the dirt road in the mystical woods area and extend it with a bridge across the river into the enlightenment campground.  A dirt road will probably look better anyway.

Now that I know the area will have a road connecting it to the main area, I need to decide if I want to go back to the idea of having a subway station so that people can bypass the incredibly long road if they want to.  *shrugs*  I don't know yet.  I'm still reeling from having to put in a road and chance my concept.  I'm sure it will be better in the long run as the people in the valley will have access to the spawners on the plateau so I won't have to put in two of everything.  <--- That was my pep talk.  :)

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