Monday, June 6, 2011

A Few More Additions!

EmpressPamela and Luckyheather have generously donated some lots to Serenity Point.  I was really impressed with their work in the 10x10 community lot contest and asked if they'd be interested making a starter home of a particular style.  I'm very grateful that they both did!

Here's EmpressPamela's beach starter (second from the left) right next to her awesome arcade.  She named it Tangerine Dream (so cool!).  I switched the location of the arcade because I think it gives a really nice color progression.

Luckyheather, who has shown she's so talented at industrial builds (okay, among other styles, too!), made a great industrial starter for the back street.  Here's a couple pictures to entice you into this starter home...

Luckyheather also donated a pool to the world!  I had a big empty lot downtown that I didn't know what to do with it, and she had the great suggestion of putting a pool there.  Of course, making the suggestion is offering to do it, right?  >:D  I will need to find the picture that was the inspiration and add it here, because she did a wonderful job recreating a classically inspired building.  It fits in with Cherry Lane and the historic downtown really well, and I added a couple homes to help it blend in with the industrial back street that it touches.  So glad to have a real pool!

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