Friday, April 29, 2011

A World By Any Other Name...

I've been trying to decide upon a name for the world.  My goal is to come up with a few that I like and then let my husband make the final decision.  I was going to let him just come up with the name, but after the first 10 silly suggestions, I realized that was an exercise in futility.

Since I am not immune to ego-stroking, a few of the potential names include a similarity to my own (hint: my nickname is Sharebear).  However, I can easily incorporate it elsewhere in the world, if I choose to, so that isn't necessary in the name.  I'm leaning towards names that allude to the geographic style of the world.  So while I started with Sharington, I became drawn to names like Cape Amity and Sharing Cove (I love the way that one rolls off the tongue... almost sounds like Sharing Grove).  After some googling, I found out that a location in Jaws is called Amity Island, and as a movie that I resist watching due to nightmares it gave me as a child, I'm not sure I embrace that association.  Cape Amity is one of my favorites, though.

Anyway, drop off a suggestion if you'd like.  So far, I'm up to:

Cape Amity
Sharing Cove

The following are inspired by the Cape of Good Hope in Africa, which is such an adorable name:
Cape of Sharing
Cape of Goodwill
el Cabolito de Amistad (Spanish for Little Cape of Amity/Friendship)  <-- This is a cute name, but I don't really have a lot of hispanic influence in the world.

These should give you an idea of what I'm leaning towards, which is an east coast beach tourist town style name.  I have a hard time thinking of ones that sound good.  I mean, Hilton Head sounds nice, but Sharing Head or Amity Head sound gross and like a site of former decapitation.

So which one sounds good to you?


  1. I like Sharing Cove! :) Good luck on your choice!

  2. I like Cape of Goodwill.

    I will also suggest Benevolence Cove or Harmony Haven

  3. Thank you for the input and suggestions! I'm going to try to get a decision soon, and the feedback helps!

  4. I like Little Cape of Amity (but in English not Spanish)

    Or Cape Amity

  5. Well, after all the brainstorming we've done, my husband ended up thinking seriously about it and came up with a name I really like and is special because it came from him. I know. Disgustingly sweet. I am not a romantic in theory, just in specific. xD

  6. Yeah for him! So glad it will have a special meaning for your world! :)
